Vallejo Sex Crimes Lawyer

Vallejo Sex Crimes Lawyer

Providing Skilled Defense To Sex Crime Accusations in CA

Charged with a sex crime in Vallejo, CA?

Don’t feel overwhelmed by the legal implications; Attorney Tim A. Pori can offer a rational and professional legal hand as he plans your defense options. With 24 years of experience representing clients in state and federal trials, he knows how to approach the prosecution in your best interests. 

Whether you seek to defend against sexual assault charges or have questions about the sex offender registration requirement, our Vallejo sex crime attorney can help.

For straightforward, experienced, and committed legal representation schedule a free consultation with the Law Office of Tim A. Pori online or at (707) 644-4004.

Common Sex Crimes in California

Under California law, sex crimes are sexual offenses such as:

Common Sex Crimes in California

Under California law, sex crimes are sexual offenses such as:


sexual assault;


statutory rape;


child sexual abuse;


lewd conduct;


possession of child pornography;


indecent exposure.

Sex offenses are punishable by jail time and fines, as well as required registration (temporarily or for life) on the state sex offender site. Felony sex offenses could also result in a loss of firearm rights and the obligation to disclose your conviction on employment applications. Also note that

most sex-related convictions cannot be expunged from your record.

If you're facing charges for a sex crime, don't hesitate to get defense from our skilled Vallejo sex crime lawyer. Contact us today!

California Sexual Assault Laws

California Sexual Assault Laws

California’s sexual assault or sexual battery laws prohibit the unwanted touching of another person’s intimate parts (sexual organ, anus, groin, buttocks, breasts). Sexual assault that leads to nonconsensual intercourse is referred to as rape.

To prove an instance of sexual assault or battery, the prosecutor must show all the following:

  • The defendant touched the alleged victim's intimate parts while they were restrained by the defendant or another person. The touching may occur through direct contact to the skin or indirect contact through clothing.

  • The touching was against the alleged victim's will. The prosecutor must establish that the alleged victim did not consent to the contact.

  • The defendant intended to engage in the unwanted touching for the purpose of sexual gratification, sexual arousal, or sexual abuse. It may be not be as easy to prove this if the defendant touched the other person for a non-sexual purpose, such as for a medical examination.

If charged as a misdemeanor, sexual assault will be punishable by up to 6 months in county jail and up to $2,000 in fines ($3,000 if the defendant was the alleged victim’s employer). If charged as a felony, the sexual offense will be punishable by one of the following sentencing ranges:

  • Up to 1 year in county jail and up to $2,000 in fines; or
  • 2, 3, or 4 years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines.

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How long do sex offenders have to register in California?

How long do sex offenders have to register in California?

Penal Code 290 establishes that all individuals convicted of certain sex crimes in California must register as a sex offender.

Registration periods follow a 3-tier system:

  • Tier 1 – registration for at least 10 years; for those convicted of the lowest level sex offenses like misdemeanor sexual battery, indecent exposure
  • Tier 2 – registration for at least 20 years; for those convicted of mid-level sex offenses like lewdness with minor under 14, non-forced sodomy with a minor under 14
  • Tier 3 – lifetime registration; for those convicted of the most serious sex offenses like rape, sex trafficking children, sex crimes against children 10 and younger, repeat sex crimes

Note that regardless of the offense you were convicted of the information about you available on the sex offender registry will include your name, photo, identifying information (height/weight, eye color, any known aliases), and the offense(s) that warranted registration. Whether or not your address will appear online depends on the specific sex crime for which you were convicted and your criminal history of any prior sex offenses.

If you are facing criminal charges for a sex offense in California, do not hesitate to consult an experienced Vallejo sex crime lawyer for legal guidance. The penalties upon conviction can have lasting repercussions, especially in the case of temporary or lifetime sex offender registration.

Accused of committing a sex crime? Schedule a free initial consultation with the Law Office of Time A. Pori online or at (707) 644-4004 to discuss your case in more detail.


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A Great Trial Lawyer that Loves a Good Fight

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Over 25 Years of Legal Experience

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